Privacy Policy - Record it
HR App Dev has launched a smart mobile app Record it to enjoy the recording of device screen, live streaming, creation of self content etc. by the user. This app is subject to the acceptance of following terms of policy agreement. Definitions Abusive content: means the content, which is vulgar, obscene, filthy, derogatory, defamatory, pornographic, abusive or punishable by any law, any abusive language, video, hate speech, racism, colouring remarks, anti-national, anti-religion, sign, expression, still photo. In case any abusive content as defined here is being displayed/streamed or made audible or uploaded, the same will also be considered as abusive content. Offensive content: means data or content arranged, managed or manipulated, forged, fabricated, hacked by the user or by any other person/third party, legal entity by any means or through any device, system, technology or from any place. Advertisement: means here the advertisement displayed or published or made au...